Boy, there are a lot of bad commercials on TV these days! . I have mastered the art of zapping, so I can pretty much avoid most of the commercials on TV. I must admit, however, there are a few commercials that I consistently enjoy; and they are the Allstate  mayhem commercials. They are all very funny,  but I specifically like the mayhem guard dog commercial. This commercial debut on network television  about a year ago, and according to YouTube, it has been viewed by choice over 97, 000 times.

From on advertising perspective, this commercial is used to deliver their message to a very large and broad target market, basically anybody who needs insurance.  Allstate has 30 seconds to cut through the clutter and get your attention. I think this commercial successfully does just that. If  not, why would anybody go on YouTube and search for it? Everyone that I talked to about this commercial or have watched it with me, think it is creative and funny. The “mayhem” guy uses a combination of choice words with a commanding tone to deliver a clear picture of what “mayhem” would look like. The mayhem guy as the guard dog is complete with a spiked collar and huge dog bone. This commercial closes with humor as the shock-collar goes off and dramatically throws mayhem down to the ground. The scenario itself is ingenious. The combination of audio and visual work in perfect harmony to deliver a dramatic and cohesive message.

I think that Allstate’s mayhem dog commercial is effective with delivering a creative and funny message that grabs your attention that keeps you engaged. You actually want to find out what happens next, and I think that is rare for a TV commercial.

Whether or not this creative 30 second commercial translates into increased sales or revenue for Allstate is the question?