So, this weeks blog post was challenging for me. Normally, I can easily find an example for the topic of our blog and write about it…NOT this week! I was looking, but I just was not finding anything, so I went to Youtube.

ConocoPhillips and fly-fishing ; I had to choose this one. I think as far as image advertising goes, this is a great example. I don’t think there is probably any one industry more than the oil and gas industry that needs an image overhaul, especially with gas closing in on $4.00 a gallon and all the environmental concerns. ConocoPhillips specializes in exploration and production of oil and natural gas.

The goal of corporate advertising is to promote the firm and improve its image, rather than any one product or service. There are a variety of types of corporate advertising. 1) Image advertising’s goal is to create goodwill both internally and externally. 2)Event sponsorships are when a company develops a marketing-oriented sponsorship relations with an event or concert.3) Advocacy advertising addresses social, business,  or environmental issues. The company or organization is concerned with propagating ideas on social issues, rather than promoting the organization itself.  Issue ads fall into this category and I believe that issue ads are a powerful tool that brings attention to any issue. The example of the Humane Society creating an issue ad to get Trader Joe’s to stop buying non-cage free eggs made a huge impact. 4) Cause-related advertising is  when a company partners with charity  or non-profit as contributing sponsors. This a win-win for both the company and the charity.

Some of the advantages of corporate advertising include,  an excellent way to position the firm,  it takes the benefits from public relations, and the ability of reaching the target market. Disadvantages are questionable effectiveness and ethics.

This ConocoPhillips  ad /video of the grandpa and grandson trout fishing  while talking about alternative fuel solutions is,  what I think, a classic case of one organization’s  attempt to enhance its image in the eyes of the public. Is it possible for a company such as ConocoPhillips to communicate and possibly change the public’s mind that they are a company committed to protecting the environment and exploring for oil and natural gas at the same time? I don’t know if that’s possible, but look at the position they are in. Most of the world has become dependent on energy and oil for almost everything we do and have, somebody ( or company) needs to make the investment to bring the product to market